Bible Club

  • Date:Feb 2013
  • Labeled:

The Bible Clubs are realized in their local churches and are a dynamic ministry for youth from 13 to 18 years of age. In this way, the church supports and controls the needs of the ministry. The main goal of the Bible Clubs is to support the spiritual development of young believers so that they can bring other youth to Christ and actively participate in their own spiritual formation.

The Bible Club program operates in a six year cycle and includes the following:

  - Bible lessons (systematic study of different doctrines and their application in daily life);
  - Apprenticeship for new converts;
  - Bible contest
  - Involvement of young people in various ministries in the church and beyond.

The Club leaders possess special materials which help them with planning and increase the effectiveness of their ministry in a whole. As a result, young believers form their character based on biblical principles, and acquire practical skills to be part of ministry. All Clubs’ activities are intended to help and support the local church and its development. With a view to successful and effective service, “Word of Life” regularly trains leaders and provides all kinds of help and support.

Bible Clubs reach youth whose needs are constantly changing through the unchanging Word of God.

Varna ( from 14 to 18 years )

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AEC v1.0.4

Varna ( from 8 to 13 years )

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AEC v1.0.4


  • Няма предстоящи събития

AEC v1.0.4


Word of LifeWord of LifeWord of LifeWord of Life